Monday, September 17, 2007

Manic Monday

My name is Crystal and I am addicted to freebies. There, I said it. I feel so much better now. Some of my friends think I'm kinda dorky for being so wrapped up in this but hey at least I am saving money. I figured that since I love getting freebies so much that I should share my secrets with others so that they can benefit from it as well. Therefore, I have decided to post a regular freebie special on Monday's called "Manic Monday". I really hate Monday's and I'm sure there is other people out there who do to, so I thought it would give us a little something to look forward to after the weekend. I know that there are other blogs out there that also have freebie specials but there might have been some freebies that they missed. For a few months now I have been getting the coolest freebies in the mail. I have not had to buy any toothpaste, deoderant, baby stuff, or items for our wonderful monthly reminder such as pads and tampons. I have saved a lot of money because of this. You, my friend, should too. Afterall, we do pay our taxes; should'nt we get something out of it?

These are the awesome freebies that I received last week.

Here is MaNIc mONdAy!!!

Scented Sachet

Dove Energy Glow

Olay Total Effects Foundation and Lip Color

Eucerin Redness Relief Cream

Play Pop Culture Challenge and get a $5 Walmart Gift Card

Hamburger Helper Microwave Singles

Dentek Oral Health Samples

Ultra Thin Kotex

Purex Laundry Detergent

New Parents Business Cards from BabyCake Creations

Dreamcatcher Keychain

Beyond Seven Condom

Aquafresh Extreme Clean

Sample Pack of Candles

Window Swatches Frugal Tip:: Use it for scrapbooking :)

Mood Ring


Child Safe ID Kit

Personal Journal

Plastic Bags (The Tri-Fold Handle bags make great lunch boxes for work)

Peterbilt Keychain

Beech Nut Baby Food Bowl and Spoon

Parents Choice Baby Formula

Have an awesome Monday!

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