Here are some cool freebies I've found:
*Oscar Mayer is giving away coupons for a free package of beef franks. They mail the coupon to you. Offer is available until 11:59 tonight, so act quick! Click here to sign up. (It did not work for me in Google Chrome browser, but it did in Firefox)
*Join the Quiznos Q Club and receive a free cookie on your birthday. You'll also receive coupons along the way for free sandwiches or discounts. (Note: I really liked how they did not require me to submit my address. The signup was super simple and easy to do.) (UPDATE: Just wanted to mention that I just received an email from Quiznos asking me to update my profile and confirm my subscription. When I went to the link provided in my email, there was a coupon waiting for me to print for a free Sammie with any purchase of a side and regular drink. Sweet :) )
*Tell Elizabeth Berg what you thought of her book 'The Year of Pleasures' and receive a free Elizabeth Berk novel.
*O.B. Tampon sample (make sure to not put that you use O.B. Tampons)
*Free subscription to Wakeboarding Magazine
*If you still have your digital TV converter box coupons, then you can go here and get a free converter box and antenna. I got one and my coupon went through. They do not ask for any credit card info.
*Acuvue Colors Free Trial Pair Certificate and Acuvue Oasys Free Trial Pair Certificate